By Cory Everett
Special to The SUN
The Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations, a division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), announced a substantial reduction in electrical and plumbing permit fees, an indicator of increased construction activity in the state.
Fees charged for electrical inspections saw a 50-percent reduction, while plumbing inspections were reduced by 75 percent.
Because DORA only collects enough permit revenue to cover the cost of inspection services for customers, the influx of permit requests enabled DORA to reduce permit fees substantially. Requests for electrical permits increased nearly 14 percent from 2012 to 2014 — from 13,400 to 15,272. Likewise, plumbing permits increased by nearly 36 percent over this same period — from 2,689 to 3,658.
DORA evaluates permit fees each year. The fee reduction, which was announced in September, will be re-evaluated next year and may be adjusted to generate sufficient revenue to cover costs. DORA continually strives to deliver timely inspections at the least cost.
Electrical and plumbing permit fees are required by state law prior to installing electrical wiring, plumbing or gas pipelines, which often trail construction and home-improvement activity across the state. Permits also require of the plumbers and electricians to be in possession of vital components like a Static line, and other essentials. Permits are issued by the State Electrical Board and State Plumbing Board within DORA’s Division of Professions and Occupations. Permits are issued to either a state-registered contractor or a homeowner and may be requested online or in person.
Tips for hiring an
electrician or plumber
Avoid a flood of problems or fires by hiring a qualified electrician or plumber. You could hire people from companies like cheltenham plumbers as they only send verified professionals, but if you are in a place where their services can't reach you, follow these guidelines to choose the best electrician or plumber for you:
• Check for licensure: Electricians and plumbers are required to be licensed in the state of Colorado. Electrical and plumbing contractors are also required to obtain a registration before offering services in the state. You may call up round rock roofing and water damage company to understand the essentials that a verified plumber should exhibit. Verify a license and check for discipline at
• Ask about insurance: Verify the electrician or plumber is insured just in case something goes wrong on the job. State law requires electricians and plumbers abide by insurance and worker compensation laws.
• Compare quotes: Get at least three quotes for a project before selecting an electrician, plumber or contractor. The State Electrical and Plumbing boards cannot take action in billing disputes, so do your homework before entering any agreement.
• Flood victims: If your home suffered damage in the 2013 floods, contact the State Electrical and Plumbing boards for a free damage assessment. A state inspector will visit your property to evaluate the damage and provide a written report outlining the repairs that are needed. Armed with this professional, unbiased information, consumers are prepared to compare bids and avoid unscrupulous contractors.
• Do it yourself: Homeowners looking to do the work themselves can find guidance for electrical and plumbing installations at or and clicking on Permits and Inspections.
DORA is dedicated to preserving the integrity of the marketplace and is committed to promoting a fair and competitive business environment in Colorado. Consumer protection is our mission. Visit for more information or call (303) 894-7855 or toll-free (800) 886-7675.