The Town of Pagosa Springs Planning Commission, Board of Adjustments and Design Review Board will meet today Tuesday, April 16, at 5:15 p.m. at Town Hall, Council Chambers, 551 Hot Springs Blvd.
Following is the agenda.
I. Call to order/roll call.
II. Announcements.
III. Approval of minutes.
A. Approval of April 4, 2013, planning commission meeting minutes.
IV. Public comment:
A. Opportunity for the public to provide comments and to address the planning commission on items not on the agenda.
V. Design Review Board:
A. Freestanding Sign Size Variance for the Quality Inn located at 3505 W. U.S. 160, (quasi-judicial public hearing).
B. Wall Sign Size Variance Application for Wal-Mart, to be located in Aspen Village, Block 4, Lots 1-6 (quasi-judicial public hearing).
VI. Planning Commission:
A. Final Plat Extension request for Pradera Point Subdivision.
B. Final Plan/Plat and DIA phasing to allow staged developments to begin without overextending.
VII. Board of Adjustments.
VIII. Public comment:
A. Opportunity for the public to provide comments and to address the planning commission on items not on the agenda.
IX. Reports and comments:
A. Town manager.
B. Planning department report.
C. Planning commission.
D. Upcoming town meeting schedule.
X. Adjourn.