There is no doubt that the Archuleta County commissioners should have taken action years ago to address the deteriorating condition of the courthouse. The issue has surfaced numerous times over the years, as documented in the pages of this newspaper.
The lack of action on the part of past and current commissioners made for a compromising situation this week at the Archuleta County Sheriff’s Office.
A contractor had been performing roof repairs during the week when rain began to fall and floodwater was introduced into the jail on Thursday night.
Jail personnel took quick action to mitigate the flooding. Fire alarms sounded continuously and had to be disconnected when they couldn’t be shut off.
It was clear on Friday morning that the situation wasn’t safe and the decision was made to move all 15 inmates to La Plata County. The transport plan was orchestrated flawlessly using the Mountain Express Transit bus along with a caravan of area law enforcement.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.