The Board of County Commissioners will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, at the county courthouse.
Following is the agenda.
Call to order.
Pledge of allegiance.
Moment of silence.
Public comments: This is an opportunity during the session for the public to address the Commissioners on a subject not covered on the agenda. Step up to the podium, state your name and address for the record and keep comments to three minutes (the board is not required to discuss your comment or make a decision regarding your comment, under this section).
1.Liquor board:
Special events permit for Our Savior Lutheran Church.
2. Land Use regulation hearing:
Consideration of resolution consolidating two lots into one in Twincreek Village Subdivision, owned by Wm. Robinson II and Lynn Holley Robinson. Lots 872 and 873, Twincreek Village to become Lot 872X of the same.
Consider authorizing the consolidation of Lots 16 and 17, Village Service Commercial to become Lot 17X Village Service Commercial.
3. Consent agenda:
Appointment of Fair Board members.
Letter of support for scenic byway designation along old railroad route from Chama, N.M. to Durango.
Payroll and payable warrants: April 3-16, 2013.
4. Reports:
San Juan National Forest Weminuche Wilderness report.
Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Commission report.
Planning Department report, first quarter.
Building Department report, first quarter.
Road and Bridge, monthly report.
5. New business:
Consider resolution allowing for mail ballot election, Nov. 5, 2013.
Consider appointing County Administrator Jesse Smith as Budget Officer.
Consider new job classification: Paralegal.
Consider filling detention officer vacancy at sheriff’s office.
6. Old business:
Consider addition of a new job title of Operations Manager to the job classification. This new job title has been created with the thought of a Department Head supervising more than one department.
Media questions.
Public comments.