Special to The SUN
The 31st annual San Juan Basin Extension Beef Cattle Symposium will be held Tuesday, Feb. 4, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Archuleta County fairgrounds at 344 U.S. 84 in Pagosa Springs.
This symposium, presented by Colorado State University Extension and New Mexico State University Extension, has become a tradition in southwest Colorado and northwest New Mexico, bringing educational programs important to help sustain this way of life.
The topics covered at this year’s symposium include animal health and nutrition, managing pastures at high altitudes, poisonous plants, economic livestock trends and restocking the herd after a drought. There will be something for everyone who is involved or planning to be involved in beef production, so don’t miss this opportunity to hear some of the most knowledgeable professionals from Colorado and New Mexico.
The cost of the symposium is $20 per person if your registration is received prior to Jan. 30, and $25 per person thereafter. The price includes workshop materials, lunch and snacks. No lunch or materials are guaranteed for late registrations.
For questions on this important workshop, contact the Archuleta County Extension office at 264-5931. To register, make your check, cashier’s check or money order payable to Archuleta County Extension and bring or mail to Archuleta County Extension, 344 Highway 84, P.O. Box 370, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. You may also fax to 264-5931.
If you have a disability for which you seek an accommodation, please notify Terry Schaaf at 264-5931 prior to the date of the event.