By Joan Mieritz
Special to The PREVIEW
Asteroids, comets, meteors — how serious is the threat?
The San Juan Stargazers want the people of Pagosa Springs to have the facts about these frightening possibilities from outer space, so please join us for an interesting, timely and factual program. After we are thoroughly educated about what they are and how great the threat is, we will have time for questions and an interesting group discussion.
The San Juan Stargazers will meet on our regular day, the third Thursday, March 21, at the Chamber of Commerce on Hot Springs Boulevard.
Snacks and business start at 5 p.m., with the educational business starting at 5:45 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring finger food to share since we meet early during the winter months.
This will be our last wintertime meeting. In April, we will begin meeting at 7 p.m.
Our group ranges from high school age to senior citizens and we welcome anyone who wants to know more about the wondrous universe.
The purpose of our club is to educate ourselves and the public about astronomy. To become a member of the group, what you know about astronomy is not as important as what you want to learn and teach others, and how much wonder you feel about our unbelievable universe of over 100 billion galaxies. We have exciting ideas for programs, public events and field trips.
We are part of the Astronomical League, which includes clubs from all over the U.S.
We have a great website —, as well as an e-mail address, and a club phone number, (970) 335-8286, to help communicate with the public. All this thanks to Natalie Carpenter.
Hope to see you on March 21.