9Health Fair to offer blood pressure checks


By Constance d’Angelis

Special to The PREVIEW

Nearly half of American adults are at risk for major health problems because of high blood pressure (hypertension).

More than 78 million Americans are diagnosed with high blood pressure. That’s one out of every three adults. Only about half (54 percent) of people have their condition under control.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, dementia and death in the United States.

Heart disease and stroke are the first and third most common causes of death of Americans.

Almost 20 percent of Americans don’t know they have hypertension.

Don’t be one of the Americans who doesn’t know. Come to the 9Health Fair on April 28 from 7 to 11 a.m. at Pagosa Springs High School.

9Health Fairs offer blood pressure screenings in addition to other testing. Let’s promote good health for all of us.

Get a whole battery of tests for a minimal cost of $35, a free blood pressure check and education.

More information on high blood pressure

People with readings of 130 top number (systolic) or 80 bottom number (diastolic) are considered to have high blood pressure.

Guidelines from the American Heart Association:

Normal blood pressure (BP): 120/80 — Healthy lifestyle choices and yearly checks.

Elevated BP: 120-129/80 — Elevated BP — Healthy lifestyle changes, reassessed in three to six months.

High BP/stage 1: 130-139/80-89 — Heart disease and stroke risk assessment. Need for lifestyle changes and medication with monthly follow-ups until BP controlled.

High BP/stage 2: 140/90 — Lifestyle changes and two different classes of medicine, monthly follow-ups until BP is controlled.

Be a volunteer

If you have a working brain and a good attitude, you’ll be perfect. Special skills? You could contribute in a particular capacity. Contact Constance: text/call (813) 373-8004 or email 7LawsofHealth@gmail.com.