The search for 10-year-old Tucker Haines, an Archuleta County boy who was reported missing at about 7:15 p.m. on May 7 (Saturday), ended at approximately 9 a.m. Sunday morning, with the boy found safe at Happy Camper in Aspen Springs.
Haines was found unharmed, but tired.
Scores of volunteers met Sunday morning to prepare for the day's ground searches, and air searches are occurring, and Haines was found shortly into the day's search efforts.
The situation did not meet the threshhold for an Amber Alert to be issued, Undersheriff Tonya Hamilton indicated.
At approximately 6 p.m. on May 7, the family of Tucker Haines discovered him missing from his residence in the Aspen Springs area.
Members of the ACSO Emergency Management Division immediately sent a hasty team into the field upon notification. Multiple agencies were involved in the search, consisting of the ACSO, Archuleta County Emergency Management, Pagosa Fire Protection District, Pagosa Springs Police Department, Upper San Juan Search and Rescue, Colorado State Patrol, La Plata County Sheriff’s Department, Durango Flight for life, San Juan Mounted Patrol and numerous volunteers from the community.
Approximately 45 people were sent into the surrounding area in six different teams, where methodical and systematic grid searches were performed. Three different canine units were called in to assist in the search and the Flight for Life helicopter flew over the area for approximately an hour searching with infrared sensors.
Door-to-door searches were conducted, a 2-mile grid surrounding the home was searched (including
outbuildings and forts known in the area), however, rescue teams were not able to locate Haines.
Additional search and rescue organizations, including a k-9 team, and the U.S. Forest Service joined the search today and a multimission aircraft plane did a flyover at first light.
The ACSO, as well as Tucker’s family, wish to extend sincere gratitude to everyone who is assisted in the search.