Superintendent Reed provides evaluation tool

Archuleta School District (ASD)Superintendent Linda Reed sat down with SUN staff recently to discuss the results of an assignment she was given by the Board of Education when she took over the position from Mark DeVoti — namely, to create her own evaluation tool.

“When the new board members were elected last fall,” Reed began, “and we had the retreat, there were a couple of things that the board wanted to have happen. One was the strategic framework, and one was they wanted me to develop an evaluation process for myself.”

Reed described the research she did at the time with the Colorado Association of School Boards and the Colorado Association of School Executives. “But,” she said, “nobody had anything. CASB had some processes, but they didn’t have a tool.”

Reed explained that the district already had something in place, a process they had used with DeVoti and his predecessors, “but it was a very basic tool.”

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