Trail Springs, Mill Creek 2 fires burning in national forest


Two fires are burning on the San Juan National Forest that were discovered on Oct. 18.

According to forest officials, the Trail Springs Fire, burning 12 miles northwest of Pagosa Springs, was five acres in size as of Saturday morning. The fire is located on a slope above West Devil Creek, about 3 miles northwest of Chris Mountain.

Fire managers are using aerial resources, according to the organization, as well as crews of firefighters on the ground. The firefighters will continue efforts to safely access the sloped, thickly-wooded area around the fire and develop control line.

The other fire is the Mill Creek 2 Fire, located about 10 miles northeast of Pagosa Springs in high, extremely steep, hazardous terrain. The fire is listed at 4.5 acres in size.

Investigators have no determined a cause for either fire, according to the agency.