19th Hole Concerts nonprofit grant application open


The Community Foundation serving Southwest Colorado announces a grant opportunity for Archuleta County nonprofits to participate in this summer’s ninth annual 19th Hole Concerts at the Pagosa Springs Golf Club. 

The nonprofit application opens on Feb. 8, and the deadline to apply is March 7.

The concert series features local musicians and provides a vital opportunity for nonprofits to earn funds while sharing their work with community-minded attendees.

The cover charge for each concert is a $10 donation to support the four selected nonprofits. Earnings will be pooled and distributed equally to the organizations. In 2023, each participating organization received $2,625. 

The concerts will take place on Thursday evenings in June, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The official dates are June 6, 13, 20 and 27. An updated list of participating musicians and bands will be released shortly. 

“The Community Foundation’s 19th Hole Concerts is a wonderful event for the community and our nonprofits,” said Tracy Pope, deputy director of the Community Foundation. “Last year’s record turnout generated the largest grants in the eight-year history of the concerts, raising nearly $3,500 more than the previous year. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Golf Club again this year.”

The nonprofit application for the 19th Hole Concerts can be found online under the “Nonprofit Resources” tab on the Community Foundation’s website, swcommunityfoundation.org. The selected nonprofits will be announced in late March.