Businesses have benefited these past two years from a grant obtained by the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation (PSCDC) providing the opportunity to hire interns and be reimbursed for their wages.
This has been a well-utilized and valuable program in our community. Once programs and dollars like these are no longer available, businesses have a difficult time finding the financial resources to continue intern or workforce programs.
As a business owner or someone looking to upskill, reskill or learn a skill, have you looked into the opportunities provided by the Colorado Workforce Center?
In this time when businesses are looking for qualified people, promoting from within or training people to learn your industry has proven very successful, also creating stability and loyalty.
Here are three programs to consider.
The Work Experience Program: This program runs an average of about 12 weeks. The employer provides the experience to a range of occupations or work within the business, the participant gains exposure to the work environment and the various opportunities, and the Workforce Center pays the wages and workers’ compensation. This program often involves younger workforce or those perhaps graduating from high school and seeking options. Restaurants, hotels, retail, construction, health care and many more industries would be a great fit.
The On-The-Job-Training Program: Training is provided by the employer for a specific position. The participant gains the skills while engaged in productive work. The Workforce Center pays a portion of the wages and the employer pays a portion. The length of the reimbursement period depends on the rate of pay. This type of program often leads to longer-term employment and candidates who want to learn a skill. Industries such as auto repair, restaurants, hotels and industries within the construction industry should all consider this program.
The Apprenticeship Program: The employer works with the education provider and provides the hands-on experience component. The employee earns certification or credentials through a combination of classroom and on-the-job training. Funding may be available for wages and/or the cost of the training program. This could also be a longer-term employment scenario due to the training and credentialing expectations.
All of these programs are subject to needs of the employee and the employer and, in some cases, there is age and income verification. However, how can you — the employer or the employee — take advantage of one of these programs? How can you get a qualified candidate that could be productive and might aid with employee retention?
How can you as an employee find out about jobs that might match your interest? The Colorado Workforce Center, while it no longer has an office in Pagosa Springs, is working to increase its presence in Pagosa Springs by working with the Chamber of Commerce and PSCDC. Representatives are here in the community every few weeks.
If you, as a business owner, would like to find out more about these programs, you can contact the Chamber of Commerce and we will communicate and help set up an appointment between you and the Colorado Workforce Center when the representatives are in town.
As employers, we need to think outside the box. Think about what you have to offer. Think about how you train and what you train. Think about developing that successful pool of employees, creating loyalty and helping someone find a career or skill that makes them feel valuable.
Almost all jobs have a progression system. Even if you start at the “bottom of the rung,” you can work your way up and learn along the way. Remember — most of us didn’t just fall into the owner/CEO/manager job. We worked our way up and, often, there was someone or some business there to help us.
Your business can be a part of the mentoring system and also get some financial assistance for wages. Again, think about how you are recruiting employees and if there is a way that you can easily utilize the resources already available to you.
Contact the Chamber for more information or to be hooked up with the Colorado Workforce Center.