At our meeting this month on July 17, Weminuche Audubon Society members will shine the spotlight on two local youth who recently attended nature camps with a focus on birds.
Both of these exceptional students have agreed to share their experiences with us.
Lillian Graham, daughter of Ohea and Steve Graham, attended Camp Colorado on a scholarship awarded by our chapter thanks to the generosity of Joan Ward. This camp is based near Rocky Mountain National Park and includes trips to explore grassland, foothills and mountain ecosystems.
Peyton Jackson, son of Sarah and West Jackson, attended Camp Colorado in 2023 and this year was awarded a scholarship by Boulder Audubon to attend Hog Island Audubon Camp in Maine. Obtaining this award, open to any student in Colorado, was a well-deserved honor for this young man.
At this meeting we will also pay tribute to Josh Pike, who has championed our Riverwalk wetland conservation area in recent years. His articles highlighting the importance of this habitat and the plants and wildlife it supports have increased the awareness of its value to our community. Along with his mother, Jeanette, he has organized and conducted trainings for the community naturalists who lead summer wetland tours along the Riverwalk, scheduled guides and also frequently leads these tours for locals and tourists.
We hope that you will join us in celebrating the accomplishments of these community members. Our meeting on July 17 will start with refreshments and social time at 6 p.m., followed by a short business meeting at 6:30 p.m. before the presentations.
We meet at the Community United Methodist Church on Lewis Street. Please enter through the side door closest to the parking lot or let us know to open the main door for handicap entrance. In appreciation for our meeting space, we welcome donations of nonperishable food for the church food bank.