Taken from SUN files of
September 5, 1924
The brick laying at the new school house is progressing in great shape and the building is commencing to assume imposing proportions. When completed, it will indeed be a beauteous structure.
A son was born on August 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Romolo Garcia at the Mexican Pine Lbr. Co. mill.
Making the circle trip over the two passes, Cumbres and Wolf Creek is getting to be the popular motor trip.
E.A. Biggs of O’Neal park has succeeded in producing a new potato which he has named “Mountain Beauty,” specimens of which it was our pleasure to see Wednesday and which are now on display at the court house. The potato is a cross between the Triumph and Burpee’s Early Rose, and though he raised a few last season this is the first year they have been placed on the market. The new tuber is solid, pinkish in color and of nice size, with the eyes confined to one end. The hills contain about thirty potatoes, all of which will cheat the potato screen, and the spuds are raised without irrigation.
Taken from SUN files of
September 2, 1949
The Highway through town and main street are receiving repairs at the present time with the work being done by the State Highway oiling crew.
Additional sand and gravel to build up the road bed have been added at both ends of town just inside the city limits. After this has been worked down a coating of oil will be added.
The street and highway were in pretty bad shape due to the excessive amount of snow and ice last winter and the fact that it has been quite some time since any repair work to that amount to anything has been down.
The main street through the downtown town business section could also stand some work but it appears as if this is not contemplated at this time. The work being done will eliminate a great many of the chuckholes and the washboard effect and with the added material should stand up longer than heretofore.
One of the large barns on the Bill Jackson ranch southeast of town was totally destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The cause of the fire is undetermined. The barn and 40 tons of new hay were a total loss.
Taken from SUN files of
September 5, 1974
The Town Board held a couple of special meetings last week plus its regular meeting this week. Main topics at the special meetings were those concerned with water rates and the preparation of annexation and subdivision regulations.
The water rates, as well as annexation and subdivision regulations, are in rough draft and will be considered further before final action is taken. These are matters requiring considerable study and discussion before final action.
Increased water rates appear to be a certainty, although some categories of users may not be affected. Increased costs of materials, labor, supplies, and operation are largely responsible for the need for increased revenue. Too, the town must provide matching funds for the project to replace a portion of the main supply line.
In other actions the Board agreed that future employees of the Town must provide a certificate of physical fitness for any job being filled. This action was brought about by the continuing compensation claims from former town employees.
Taken from SUN files of
September 2, 1999
August rainfall in Pagosa Country totaled 7.48 inches, a new record that shatters the old record of 5.36 inches by more than two inches.
“Rainfall records are being set all over the state, especially in your part of the state,” said Brian Avery, a National Weather Service forecaster from Grand Junction.
By the end of August, the precipitation total in Pagosa Springs since Jan. 1 reached 20.26 inches, well above the annual average precipitation of 19.54 inches. The average January through August precipitation total is 12.31 inches. August rainfall averages 2.52 inches.
August’s total precipitation approaches the record for any month since record keeping started in 1939. The overall record was 7.8 inches set in October 1972. In January of 1957, 7.79 inches were recorded. This year’s amount ranks third on the all time list.hich to move to a new location.