Taken from SUN files of
May 9, 1924
A total of 120,000 brook trout, which were secured from the Durango hatchery, were placed in the San Juan river by J.B. Patterson.
The town board met Monday night and in addition to routine affairs, ordered an investigation of the water pipeline to Hilltop cemetery and passed an ordinance regulating the hitching of horses and teams on Main street. Penalties will be provided for hitching to the new decorated light poles when in place and also for leaving a horse or team unhitched and without some one in charge.
J.L. Giger, town clerk and collector of water rents, announces that all bills for water rent are now due and payable within ten days after bills are rendered. As bills for the quarter ending March 31st were mailed on May 2nd, the ten-day period of grace will expire next Monday, following which the water commissioner will be instructed to cut off the service from the property of all delinquents.
The hot water fountain in front of the Sparks Hdw. Co. store was put in commission this week, being connected with the Sparks well, and once more you may obtain either a drink of the mineral or city water at that point.
Taken from SUN files of
May 5, 1949
The new school consolidation bill as passed by the last session of the legislature will have a far reaching effect on the schools in Archuleta County. The bill provides for the consolidation of the schools in the county into one or more large districts. A committee of school presidents will be appointed by the County Superintendent of Schools to study the local situation. The committee will make their report in the form of a recommendation which will then be voted on by the voters of the county.
The bill provides that each new district must have a school population of not less than 450 or shall embrace the area of an entire county, or shall embrace an area of 1000 square miles. There are just a few more than 1000 square miles in the county, so the entire county may be in the one district.
The Board of County Commissioners this week hired Mr. Lee Cox as County Road Supervisor. Mr. Cox will be in charge of all the road work in the county.
The road supervisor system is being adopted by more and more counties in this state and has proved most advantageous. Mr. Cox will coordinate the work of the crews, as well as the purchasing for all road work. This should affect a very substantial savings for the county, as well as being very efficient.
Taken from SUN files of
May 9, 1974
County Commissioners this week accepted the resignation of County Sheriff Norman Ottaway, who submitted the resignation several days ago and official action was taken by the Commissioners this week. Commissioners said that written applications for the position are being accepted, and that a replacement will be named soon. Applications must be written.
At their regular monthly meeting held in the REA building, on May 2nd, the members of Troop “F” Colorado Mounted Rangers elected R.D. Hott for a two year term as Captain, and Troop Commander to replace Mitchell Swanson, who has moved to Durango.
“F” Troop operates the only ambulance service in Archuleta County. The troop is probably best known for this one thing, (did you know they bought and equipped the ambulance?) The Rangers have been called out on many occasions to locate lost hunters, skiers, pilots, and just plain everyday vacationers who have strayed from camp.
Taken from SUN files of
May 6, 1999
A discussion of county road maintenance attracted about 75 people to the county extension building Tuesday night for an informational meeting conducted by county officials.
Those in the audience learned what they already knew. The county plans to stop maintaining roads within subdivisions. The scope of those roads will not be maintained by the county expanded when the county reiterated a plan to maintain only collector and arterial roads and not within subdivisions and abandon the maintenance of all other roads.
Included in “the all other roads,” in addition to subdivision roads, are all roads within the county not designated as collector or arterial roads, the county also plans to stop plowing snow from all roads dropped from county maintenance.