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County unemployment rate rises


Archuleta County’s unemployment rate rose one-tenth of a percentage point in August to 4.1 percent, according to a monthly report from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) released Sept. 20.

The county’s unemployment rate was slightly higher than the state average, which rose to 4 percent in August, and remains below its peak of 4.5 percent in February.

The last time the state’s unemployment rate reached 4 percent was in January 2022, according to the CDLE. 

“The total number of employed Coloradans increased by 2,000 in August,” the press release states, while the number of unemployed grew by 2,200.

The size of Archuleta County’s labor force rose from 6,912 in July to 6,971 in August, with 6,684 workers employed, according to the CDLE report.

Archuleta County neighbors also saw increases to their unemployment rates in August, with La Plata County at 3.8 percent, Hinsdale County at 2.9 percent and Mineral County at 4.1 percent. 

In Conejos County, there was a one-tenth decrease to 4.1 percent.

Across the state, places with the highest unemployment rate in August were Las Animas and Huerfano counties, with 6.6 and 6.3 percent, respectively. The unemployment rate was lowest in San Juan County at 2.3 percent, according to the CDLE.

The U.S. unemployment rate in August was 4.2 percent, according the CDLE — a decrease from 4.3 percent in July.

Employment at a glance

• Employers in Colorado added 7,400 nonfarm payroll jobs in August. July figures were revised and reduced by 4,000, showing an increase of 800 jobs rather than the state’s original reported increase of 4,800.

• Private-sector payroll jobs grew by 7,700, and government lost 300 jobs.

• The private-industry sectors with significant job gains in August were professional and business services with about 2,900, and educational and health services with about 2,800. There were no private industry sectors with significant job losses, according to the CDLE.

• “Since August 2023, non-farm payroll jobs have increased 41,900, with the private sector growing by 23,200 and government adding 18,700 jobs,” the press release states.

• The largest private-sector job gains were in educational and health services with about 11,100 new jobs added. Professional and business services added 5,400 jobs.

• During the same time period, payroll jobs declined in information (2,800) and construction (2,400).

• The press release notes Colorado’s rate of job growth over the past year is 1.4 percent, slightly below the U.S. rate of 1.5 percent.

• “Over the year, the average workweek for all Colorado employees on private non-farm payrolls was unchanged at 33.3 hours, while average hourly earnings grew from $35.76 to $37.80, two dollars and fifty-nine cents more than the national average hourly earnings of $35.21,” the report states.

September’s Colorado Employment Situation report is scheduled for release on Oct. 18, according to the CDLE.