Chamber board of director nominations open


It is the time of year when the Chamber prepares to hold its annual election for three new board candidates. 

Chamber member businesses who are interested in having a representative run for the Chamber board of directors are welcome to self-nominate.

Here is the process. On the homepage of the Chamber’s website is a graphic with a link to the interest form. Please fill that form out and return it to You have until Wednesday, Nov. 27, to return the interest form. Interested Chamber members need to have been a Chamber member in good standing for six months.

The Chamber board seeks to have a wide range of business representation offering a variety of business opinions, skill sets, age ranges and voices throughout the county. 

The Chamber board meets once a month. Other duties include volunteering at various Chamber functions such as the annual meeting, Business Happy Hour and events throughout the year. 

We know you are busy running your businesses, so we appreciate the time board members can contribute. 

The term length is three years. Every year, the Chamber puts forth a slate of six candidates for the membership to choose from. Of those six candidates, the top three are asked to sit on the board. That being said, other candidates have been asked to sit on the board to fill vacancies that might occur throughout the three-year period. Vacancies typically occur due to a board member not being able to complete their three-year term. 

If you would like to find out more about running for the Chamber board of directors, please contact Mary Jo at (970) 264-2360. Voting will take place throughout December and into the early part of January.

Small Business Saturday on Nov. 30 

Small Business Saturday is an important date to shop local. 

Not only do businesses offer great deals and giveaways to get you into the store, you are also supporting your neighbors and friends in their livelihood. 

All throughout the year, our nonprofit agencies receive tens of thousands of dollars in goods, gift cards and cash to keep their services going. How about thanking our stores and restaurants for their generosity? Can you imagine what our community would be like if these businesses weren’t so generous? 

As we shop small, we also send the message that our community wants and supports small business. Why would someone move here and open a business if not supported by the locals? 

Remember that you are supporting businesses that provide jobs. And people in these jobs more often provide you with a personal touch and better customer service than anything you get online. 

If we don’t support our local tax base, we are at risk of losing some of that tax base, and that in turn affects our infrastructure needs. 

So, shop small. Say thank you. Make it a fun day with family and friends, and shop, eat and be merry in Pagosa Springs.