100 years ago Taken from SUN files of November 21, 1924 Another business change in Pagosa Springs took place Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Shiles disposed of the furniture and fixtures of …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of November 7, 1924 The well on the new school grounds has been drilled to a depth of 380 feet, and both the flow and the temperature of the water has …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of October 31, 1924 Mrs. Gertrude Houser is assisting F.A. Byrne in abstract work at the court house. Miss Lois Parr completed the Blanco basin …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of October 24, 1924 Warm water was struck last evening in the well being drilled by Ike Jones on the school grounds at a depth of 292 feet, and this …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of September 28, 1924 Teams and work crew arrived last evening and will commence work at once on the Putnam hill contract, held by Edw. Teyssier of …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of August 8, 1924 Chas. (Dick) Brown has been awarded the contract to dig the trench and lay the sewer for the new school house. The work is now in …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of July 18, 1924 The new Putnam hill road is now practically completed by Eds. Teyssier, the contractor, and is open for travel to the top of the hill, …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of May 23, 1924 Grant Shields last Saturday commenced the removal of the buildings purchased by him from the school board and which have occupied the new …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of May 16, 1924 Two young ladies of Pagosa Springs, whose names we dare not mention under threat of mayhem, spent a delightful (?) day last Friday …
100 years ago Taken from SUN files of May 9, 1924 A total of 120,000 brook trout, which were secured from the Durango hatchery, were placed in the San Juan river by J.B. Patterson. The …
Taken from SUN files of April 25, 1924 Commencing last evening, this section has been visited by rain, sleet, snow, hail and wind up to the present writing — otherwise the weather is perfect.
Taken from SUN files of April 15, 1999 Agreement was reached Tuesday between the Upper San Juan Humane Society and the Archuleta County Commissioners allowing the Humane Society to apply for approximately 10 acres of Bureau of Land Management land in the Stevens Field area.