‘I am jealous of your time’


By Jan Davis

Special to The PREVIEW

Last week at prayer service, the leader instructed us to ask God three questions. My mind fixated on one. “Ask him to reveal one of his characteristics to you.”

Of course, the easy answers popped into mind right away. God is loving, kind, faithful, merciful and gracious. These qualities we are familiar with and celebrate every day. His mercies are new every morning. We appreciate the unconditional love of the Father. His loving kindness exceeds our comprehension. We stand in awe of his faithfulness and goodness.

But, what about the other side? The attributes we don’t like to think about? The Holy Spirit spoke “jealous” into my spirit. “I am jealous of your time.”

As I meditated on that idea throughout the week, I paused to think about my relationship with Christ. Do I devote quality time to him or only when time allows? Do I dedicated a specific part of my day, or is it a hit and miss?

Truthfully, it depends on the day and how “busy” my schedule looks. I’m retired, for Pete’s sake. My calendar is flexible. I determine what is important. I drop everything for lunch with a friend. But, to stop, take a break and spend time with Jesus, not so much.

I look around and consider people who have an incredible connection with Christ and wonder why. He is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t pick and choose his favorites. We are created equal and he calls each of us “his child.”

So, could it be because those individuals figured it out. A close, intimate relationship involves time. It’s in his presence he reveals himself to us. We discover more about who he is. We watch him move and work in our lives to accomplish his purpose. We realize our full potential as we grow in him and embrace his plan for our life.

Will the revelation that I serve a jealous God change my routine? Or is it good in theory, but too much effort in reality? Time will tell.

“For you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” — Exodus 34:14 (NASB).

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.