Next Photography Club meeting will feature Gary Musgrave


By Gregg Heid

Special to The PREVIEW

The Pagosa Springs Photography Club will hold its June meeting on Wednesday, June 12, at the Community United Methodist Church, 434 Lewis St.

Join us for socializing at 6 p.m., followed by a brief business meeting at 6:30 p.m. Longtime photographers and those just starting out are welcome.

The Photography Club normally meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the fellowship room of the Methodist Church.

The June 12 program of the Pagosa Springs Photography Club will feature Gary Musgrave speaking on “Wildlife Photography.” Musgrave has been photographing wildlife since the mid 1970s. After graduating from Angelo State University with a BS in biology, he guided hunters for big game in Alaska for several years. He recently retired from teaching high school biology 22 years in Texas. Musgrave travels to Alaska annually to fish, visit with old friends and photograph. His photography leads him to some of the most beautiful wilderness in North America.

Musgrave now lives in Pagosa Springs.

Club members may bring up to 10 photos on a thumb drive to share with the group after the presentation.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our president, Andy Butler, at (512) 581-1470 or visit our website,