County commission to meet Tuesday


The Board of County Commissioners meets at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1 at the county courthouse.

• Public comments: This is an opportunity during the session for the public to address the commissioners on a subject not covered on the agenda. Step up to the podium, state your name and address for the record and keep your comments to three minutes (the board is not required to discuss your comment or make a decision regarding your comment, under this section).

• Proclamation, designating Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2013 as United Way Kick-Off Week in Archuleta County.

• Land use Regulation hearing:

Consideration Of Resolution 2013- consolidating two lots into one in The Ranch Community, owned by Michael L McBane And Kelly M. McBane..

Consideration Of Resolution 2013- consolidating two lots into one in Lakeview Estates, owned By Richard J. Stahl And Dixie L. Stahl.

Consideration Of Resolution 2013- consolidating two lots into one in San Juan River Resort Unit 1, owned By Jason Werby.

• Consent agenda:

Appoint Lisa Jensen to the Archuleta County Fair Board for a three-year term.

Reappoint Randy Schnose, Sarah Martin, Charlotte Williams, Rob Keating And LeeAnn Skoglund to the Archuleta County Fair Board for three-year terms.

Approve A Modification of Premises on the Hotel And Restaurant License for Tony’s Taps LLC, Dba Pagosa Brewing Company.

• New business:

Consideration of the EMPG Grant Agreement with the State Of Colorado, Division Of Homeland Security And Emergency Management. This is a 50/50 cost share grant, administered by the State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management under the Department of Public Safety. The county’s share is the Sheriff’s Emergency Management budget, excluding costs from other grants, wildland fire, search and rescue, and ineligible items. The county’s share does include salaries for employees when performing traditional emergency management functions. It should be noted that the county’s share will be 100 percent match of the grant received.

Consideration to fill the vacancy of Planning Manager. The salary range for the position is $47,715 to $66,810. It is currently budgeted at $54,675.14.

Consideration of approving recruitment materials with Mercer Group, regarding recruiting of a county administrator position.

Consideration of an agreement between Board Of County Commissioners, Alan Powdermaker, and Donald P. and Holly M. Thompson. Harvard Avenue in Archuleta County is not physically located where the road was intended to be located or consistent with the access that was conveyed to county. Donald P. Thompson and Holly M. Thompson own the real property that is situated under Harvard Ave. With this agreement, the Thompsons grant an easement to the county where the road currently sits. The county will vacate and quitclaim to the Thompsons a portion of Harvard Avenue that is not being used as originally platted. The Thompsons and Alan Powdermaker would like to place a sign over a certain portion of Harvard Avenue. This agreement allows Alan Powdermaker to construct and maintain said overhead sign as long as he complies with all provisions of the Archuleta County Land Use Regulations and submittal of an Improvement Location Certificate.